Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I have 5 kids ranging from 4 years old up to 20 years old.  Now that the older ones are away from home, it's been a challenge to get all of us together for a family photo.  Because of different schedules and changes, I wasn't confident to schedule a photographer friend to help out with these in case not everyone showed up as has happened before.  I decided to set up my tripod, have my son's daughter push the button and pray we all looked at the camera and sort of smiled.

It worked well, not as well as a photographer friend helping but I'm happy with what I got.  I'm happy that after 3+ years, I managed to wrangle all kids and my grandson into one photo.  It should do me for a while, until I start playing with new ideas for our next family photo.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Birthdays and Memories

     My middle son turned 12 at 7:29 a.m this morning.  As my children have grown, birthday's are still a celebration, but for me, they are also about years of memories.  Children grow so fast day to day and I love to scrapbook.  With Backwoods Photography booming like it has been these past few years, I don't have the time I'd like to preserve our memories but I do love looking back on days like this.  I decided to scan some older photos of my boy and post them to my personal facebook page today.  As I was doing that, it occurred to me that not only are those memories of his early life, they are also the documentation of my early life as a photographer.  Taking good portraits of my children was my first step towards becoming a professional in the field.   
    That being said, here is a sampling of my first years as a photographer.  Back then, I was using a Canon Rebel 35mm.  I learned quickly to wait to push the shutter button because I couldn't afford to waste more than one roll of film per shoot.  I am so glad I learned this way because even now with digital, I can feel when I push the button the "rightness" of a shot and move on from there.  I don't have to press my shutter button 100 times hoping, I can push it twice and know that I got what I wanted.  These are also completely unedited with the exception of the lower right hand one that was taken last year.
     These photos of my son range from 2002-2008.  The infant photo I didn't take, Wal-Mart did and actually it was the breaking point for me as far as doing it myself went.  It is the last portrait of one of my children taken by someone else other than school or a whole family photo.

I also quickly realized I loved capturing my children at that time in their lives.  If you notice above, the top left photo, my son is on the back of a caboose.  At 2 and 3 there wasn't anything he loved more than trains.  In the upper middle, he loved his "ranger" and hanging out fishing and hunting with his Pop.  Below is one of my three middle children all in camo and while it's never going to win any awards, I love this photo because I can remember this day clearly still.  Lake Atalanta, taking these photos and eating elotes out of a blue van that used to sell delicious Mexican snacks at the park that year.

It's good to remember and great to capture these moments with your children.
To see more of my visions check out my facebook site and thank you for taking time 
to read my on again, off again ramblings.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring News!

I finally got the camera equipment that I've been wanting for a long time recently.  I need lots and lots of practice to get to the ease of use that I had with my last camera.  For that reason I'm offering any photo shoot (excluding weddings, seniors and reunions) for $50 in the month of March and April.  For babies and newborns, I'm also offering indoor shoots now.  My 2013 rate for standard shoots is $75 to $125 so this is a great time to schedule.  Slots will fill up fast so call today.  1-479-270-1774

Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year

     Another year is about to end and it's time for reflections.  At least for me it is.  This down time after all the Christmas fuss is when I start to think about the year.  The people I've lost, the babies born and growing and about how I'd like to do things differently in the coming year.  I've been beyond blessed this year as far as work goes.  Backwoods Photography is growing slowly but surely and I love that I've found work that helps take care of my family and feeds my creative soul.
     I started in photography for the simple reason that with four kids, I could not afford to get their photos made every year as they grew.  From that basic start 12 years ago, my art and business has grown into something more than I ever expected.  I'd like to thank all of you that have had undying faith in me.  You pay me money and confidently wait for the images that will be part of your personal story.              At my core, I am a storyteller that doesn't have the patience to write books.  I tell my story and yours in images that will last a lifetime.  I love my work, it's embarrassing to call it a job because to me, it's so much more than that.
     I wish for you to fulfill your dreams in 2013.  I wish for you to find all those small things that make you happy and help propel you through difficult times that will come.  Thank you so much for believing in me and supporting Backwoods Photography through it's 2nd official year open.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Never enough time

     Nearly two years ago, we welcomed my oldest stepdaughter back home.  Just out of high school and 2 months pregnant, she moved back to Arkansas to make a new life, a better one for her and her coming son, our first grandson.  I knew she wouldn't stay forever and tomorrow is the day I prayed would never come.  She will be leaving to move 7 hours away and my heart is broken.   Today, I took the last portraits of my grandson before they leave in the morning and all I can think is, it wasn't enough.  Never enough photos taken or time spent to equal the time we will be away from them.  Never will we regain what we've all built together.  Never will these moments happen again.

Next time we see this sweet boy, he will have already worn this outfit for Halloween, his first.  

The plans of he and his auntie growing up as close as siblings is lost.

Despite these little heart aches, it's not a first for us as a family.  We've dealt with these comings and goings for years.  Despite the pain, I wouldn't trade watching this little guy grow for the past 9 months for anything.  Even now, as sad as I am, I'm already making plans for him to come home for regular visits with Granny and PaPaw and planning care packages to send his way.   Everything changes, for better or worse, but God has a reason for everything.  I'll just pray for their safety and happiness and know that every little thing is gonna be alright <3

Follow us on Facebook and thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Offer

     It's been a while since I've posted.  Its been a busy August in the Backwoods.  I'm blogging today because I want to share a change of heart I've had recently.  I did photo shoots this summer of two of my middle kids.  I edited them and love each of their personalities shining through in the photos.  When I printed them, I was very disappointed.  The color correction I had worked so hard on in photoshop was gone.  Mason looked yellow in the photos I received and Tabitha looked grey.  I have them on my wall anyway, but it still pains me to look at them because I can still look on my computer and see how they should have turned out.  I'm afraid that is happening with my clients also.  I work hard to give you the best I can and to know that you may be disappointed after printing is driving me nuts.
                    * Notice the color differences in the After Printing and the actual photo I edited

    I recently read a blog from Paint the Moon Actions that shed some light on my problem.  In it, she gives details on different print companies and makes a very good argument for using professional printing services and the reasons why this is important.  If you like feel free to read it here.  Because of this article, I'm an currently working on setting up ordering options through Backwoods Photography.  No client will be under obligation to do this, but I feel it's important to offer it.  More important than I ever thought before.  I feel by giving you the disk, I am saving you money, giving you art for a low price.  Many of my clients wouldn't have beautiful portraits of their family and children any other way. I want to keep offering that but I feel like I'm doing my clients a disservice by not providing more.
     Before October, I will re order the photos of Mason and Tabitha I loved so much from Simply Color Lab, I will also be ordering a sample book of their printing work.   If I am happy with their print work, I will be providing their service through Backwoods Photography.  This is a professional service so unlike Snapfish, Walmart or Target, you'll have to go through me to get the prints.  I won't be upcharging much for this service.  I just want to make sure that clients have access to the very best.
     By spring, I will also be offering other specialty print options.  Metal, wood and canvas printing and I'm working on a package that will include these in the offer.

Let me know what you think of this option

Thanks for keep up with Backwoods Photography, be sure to like us on Facebook

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Renewed Passion

     Its easy to get caught up with life and let the things go that make you truly happy as an individual.  It's even more difficult to cultivate passions when you have children of all ages needing you in different ways every second of everyday.  I wouldn't change anything that has happened to me in the 15 years I've been with my husband, raising five children.  Now though, looking back, I would have been a happier person at times if I hadn't let my passions slide in favor of the mundane chores of life.  The past year and a half has been a difficult one for my family.  We found out in January of 2011, on his birthday actually,  that my husband has leukemia.  Though manageable, its not curable at this point.  Since then, it's felt as though I'm trying to hold my family together during a tornado, hoping that no one gets sucked away in the storm.
     We are starting to see the sun again here in the backwoods.  My husband's condition is stable, he's doing well and the kids are doing well now too.  It's amazing how one event can nearly domino years of stability for a family.  During this tough time I realized how important it was for all of us that we follow our own dreams.  I decided to lead my example by following my own.
     Backwoods Photography is doing great and for the first time in several years there is hope here at home.  Not just because of photography but because by following my dreams, its leaked onto other members of my family.  My oldest daughter is now a CNA, my husband is playing music again and the younger kids are also pursuing hobby's again that they are proud to show off and talk about.
     To that end, I'm working to launch a different photography project this fall.  I have always loved "concept shoots".  I'm not booking these yet but I am working to build my portfolio over the fall to start offering these shoots by winter or spring.  What I wanted to do in this post was share some ideas I'm working with and get feedback on other ideas or things I could do.  Of course, that was before I started rambling about family.  I am very proud of them though and I'm pretty happy with life right now too.  (could use someone to clean my house though, my happiness hasn't extended to cleaning much yet)
     Anyway, I'm setting up a few concept shoots this fall with family members and special backwoods friends this fall.  A few that I'm working on are a "Little House on the Prairie" type shoot at an old log cabin.  Boys in suspenders and girls in bonnets and prairie dresses, that type thing.  Another is a mechanic shoot at a location with old gas pumps, and metal signage with some cute little mechanic dressed boys.  These are the kind of things I'm thinking of in my concept shoots.  These type of shoots are a lot more time intensive but I love planning them and finding the costumes to fit my vision.  I need a reasonable priced seamstress if anyone knows of one.  What kind of things would you like to see?  Would you pay for a shoot like this or as a customer do you prefer regular props and you pick your own clothes kind of shoots?
     This photo below is a similar finish that I'm loving, probably because I adore history and old rusty things.  Pretty sure there is a concept shoot in the future with this beautiful old car as the centerpiece.

I never plan to write a blog, something just pops into my head that inspires me or excites me and I come here and write it down.  Thanks for being a sounding board to my ramblings.  Be sure to check out my work and like us on Facebook!