Today is my youngest daughters 3rd birthday. We never expected to have her; we'd tried for
7 years to have another. We lost 8
babies during that time, most to early miscarriage. The last one though, nearly ended my life and
indeed ended our 13 week old baby's life.
I was told that I couldn't carry to term and to consider getting my
tubes tied before the next pregnancy killed me.
It took me over a year to decide that yes, I was ok with not having
another child. My husband and I figured
that God had a reason for not giving us the child we had wanted so badly and
began to talk about the possibility of becoming foster parents. About a week before my dr appointment to schedule
the tubal ligation, I realized I was late.
That dr appointment became the appointment where I found out that indeed
I was pregnant again. It was not a happy
day, we were terrified of losing another baby, my husband was afraid he was
going to lose me. I would not terminate
the pregnancy to possibly save my life.
I could live with a miscarriage or hysterectomy but not abortion. Though, I wasn't at all sure I could live
through another loss like this.
We lived in fear
for the next two months; I took prednisone shots weekly and was not allowed to
do much more than 30 min of standing at a time.
I cramped a lot and felt very sick all the time. By 20 weeks we were very excited; it seemed
that beyond all odds I would be able to carry this child to term. The kids, my husband and my mom went to the
ultrasound to find out if we would have a boy or girl. It was a girl, but the tech was not acting
happy. I had a bad feeling; I'd seen
that look before on the same techs face many times and knew what that meant. My family was thrilled and my husband could
not figure out why I wasn't until the call came later in the afternoon. My Dr called to tell me that I was dilating
and nearly completely effaced. If they
didn't do something, I would go into labor within the week and that the baby would
not survive. The next day, I went in for
emergency surgery to stitch up my cervix.
The hope was with that and total bed rest, the baby would have a chance
to grow enough to be viable outside the womb.For the next 84 days, I only got out of bed to pee or go to the dr. Every time I went for my appointment he would say "If you can make it to 24 weeks", "just make it to 28 weeks", "you hang on until 30 weeks" and we made it to 32 weeks. I have never had to totally rely on anyone since adulthood but during the bed rest, I was at everyone's mercy. I had to drink a gallon of water a day, endure nausea and headaches daily and try to keep my spirits up looking at the same four walls day after day.
Thanks for reading and keep following Backwoods Photography on Facebook!
And With her you are so well blessed.She is most definitely heaven sent.